Tag Archives: metrics

Importance of Infographics in Marketing

Do you make use of Infographics in Marketing? Use of infographics in marketing in very common these days. In this age of big data, the entire gamut of digital marketing has shifted towards processing data and information. In such an environment, it is almost binding that the presentation of data be in a lucid format… Read More »

Outsource Digital Marketing or Social Media Marketing to an Agency?

Why Outsource Digital Marketing? Are you ready to outsource digital marketing or the social media operations to a third party agency? With growing competition in social media or digital marketing and its huge impact in brand and reputation building, it might serve well to outsource digital marketing or the social media operations to a third… Read More »

Digital Marketing Spread: SEO

Digital Marketing begins with Search Engine Optimization Under Digital Marketing services, it augurs well to start off with a website that primarily serves its purpose by fulfilling the information needs of the target audience. Search Engine Optimization or SEO for a website belongs to a rather recent genre of web technology since the inception of internet.… Read More »